Servings 8 single scoops
DescriptionWhipped this up one day based on the bi-rite blackberry recipe and ben and jerry's base
This is only a half batch, but I'm afraid to scale it up since I'm not sure if the recipe works best because it churns so quickly.
Ingredients1 cup Kirkland frozen three berry blend
1/3 cup sugar
1 tbsp water
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup milk
1 egg
3/8 cups sugar (2.6 oz)
1 tsp vanilla
1. Combine berry ingredients in a saucepan. Cook down for 5-10 minutes
2. Blend the compote until smooth (convenient with a stick blender). Let it cool in the fridge.
3. Meanwhile, combine everything else.
4. Add the not hot compote to the other ingredients, straining it through a fine mesh colander to remove the seeds
5. Cool the mixture in the fridge for awhile (2-24 hours)
6. 2.5 hours before serving, make it in the ice cream maker